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Portsmouth Park & Ride Smartcards Terms of Use

Applying for a Park & Ride Smartcard

Smartcards are available to purchase for use on the Portsmouth Park & Ride service. Tickets are available as follows at the published price at time of purchase:

Weekly (7 days)
Monthly (28 days)
Annual (365 days)

Smartcards are available through our on line web portal at

and from dedicated ticket machines at the Tipner P&R car park.

Cards are issued upon registration of personal details including a valid car registration. This must be provided to allow your car to be parked legally at the site and to enable car park enforcement activities.

A non-refundable, one off £2 charge applies for the production and issuing of a smartcard. The card can be re-used through top ups which are available through the web portal and will be available from the car park ticket machines. Smartcards and top-ups are activated on bus upon first use.

Damage, Loss or Theft of Card

A damaged, lost or stolen card should be reported to Customer Services;
Email: parkandride@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
Tel: 023 9284 1347

A £2 fee applies for a replacement smartcard. A stolen card will be replaced free of charge if a valid crime reference number is provided.

Monthly and annual smartcards will be replaced with the remaining credit included as applies for the day after a replacement card is requested. For example, if a monthly (28 day) card is reported lost 10 days after purchase (or purchase of top up), the replacement card will be issued with 18 days credit. You will need to pay on a daily basis to use the service until your replacement card arrives which should be within 7 days.

Replacement credit does not apply to weekly tickets.

Non Working and Faulty Cards

Faulty cards should be reported to the bus driver in the first instance. If the card is found to be damaged, then the replacement terms apply as above.

If the card is found to be faulty then the driver will record the card number. A replacement card will be issued free of charge if it is found to have valid products and a valid payment has been made. You may continue to use the faulty card as a permit to travel until the replacement card is received. Faulty cards should be presented to the driver for checking. The faulty card should be destroyed upon receipt of the replacement card.

Possession of a smartcard does not guarantee a parking space at the P&R car park.

Please note that where two vehicle registration numbers have been registered for use with a smartcard, only one vehicle may be parked. Where two vehicles are parked in the site at the same time, the second vehicle registered will receive a PCN unless displaying a Pay and Display ticket.